Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Parents and Students

It's always exciting to open a new school year, and I especially enjoy meeting and greeting new parents and students. They bring enthusiasm and energy along with a desire to be involved and gratitude that their child has been accepted.

At the New Parent reception yesterday, one of the more effusive parents asked if I knew what the community "buzz" was about GDS. I asked her to tell me and she said, "the best education in Greensboro!"

Standing in the theatre lobby, where I have seen students produce tremendous drama and musical productions, where 120 members of the faculty gather each month, where the Parents' Association leadership meets in support of the school and where we held the reception for our graduates just a few months earlier and looking out the window to the field where the soccer team was practicing I paused and thought to myself, "Yes, it is!"

That was a very nice thing to hear and a reminder of why I love GDS and meeting all the new parents.

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